I know this is kind of nerdy, but one of my favorite field trips was the junior model un trip. A few weeks (or a few days :) ) before the event, each person gets a country and an issue. They have to research what their country's ideologies are for that specific issue and write a position paper. It seems boring, but I think it's pretty fun.
At the event, we collaborate with students from different schools and concur to create international solutions to our issues.
You may be wondering what part of this I get most excited for. Maybe you're not wondering this. If you aren't, you might be pretty irate when I say, "Too bad, I'm telling you anyway!" :)
My favorite part is meeting new people who you get to share your information and research with, and becoming friends with people you had only met because their country had similar ideas to yours. However, the part I get most excited about is my binder.
We get a black, half inch binder to keep our papers in for this project, and in case you don't know this already, I have a bit of a school supply obsession. I start studying for school supply shopping (which I do in August) in March or April. I watch YouTube videos, research on websites, and create spreadsheets to prepare for my favorite day of the year. I know, I know. I'm crazy.
Anyway, I always decorate and organize my binder extensively and I alway get so excited about it.
I apologize again for the lack of actual pictures. I think it might be the computer I'm using. I'll try to change the pictures later if I can.
Oh my word. I can't stop laughing about the black binder picture.