They say, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." ("Who is they?" You'll all bug me about it, but by they, I mean them. People. I don't really know how else to say it. I will be addressing society in this post as, they, them, people, and you.) Anyway, they say that if you don't eat a good breakfast it will be nearly impossible to function and that it is extremely important.
You know who they tell this to? Teenagers. I wonder why they tell that to teenagers? (I'm not actually wondering. I know why. I just put that there to keep the writing going.) They say that to teenagers because teenagers generally don't eat good breakfasts. It's usually just a piece of toast or a few bites of cereal. It makes sense. They focus their advice on those who need the advice. But nobody ever thought of one very important detail. There must be a reason that this problem occurs consistently among the same age group. That reason is the following.
They also tell us to get more sleep. If we are trying to get as much sleep in as possible before school, how on earth will we have time to make a healthful and filling breakfast? They tell us to get eight or even nine to ten hours of sleep per night. If we get that much sleep, it does not leave nearly enough time to make a decent breakfast. These commands contradict each other. Notice that. When you're done noticing, continue to read because I am about to blow your mind.
Now, there are three different counter arguments to the problems explained in the past two paragraphs.
1) Wake up earlier to make breakfast.
2) Make the food the night before.
3) Go to bed earlier.
And now I will tell you all why these arguments are completely wrong and do not work or make any sense whatsoever.
1) Wake up earlier.
If you don't see why this is wrong, you obviously did not read paragraph four of this post. We can't wake up earlier to make the food you told us to eat because we are busy sleeping because you told us to.
2) Make the food the night before.
We can't do this either. You know why? It's the same reason we don't have the time to sleep that much. It's also the same reason as:
3) Go to bed earlier.
We get to much homework. Teenagers get too much homework to do anything else at all with their lives. But, we do anyway. We still take extra curricular activities like crazy. Why? Because you tell us too. Any teacher who reads this will think, "I don't give them much homework at all. It should only take them ten minutes tops."
I have two responses to that.
1. It always takes longer than you think it does.
2. It isn't just you. I think people forget that their class is not the only one. Sure, we don't get that much from each one, but when you put it together, it gets a little bit insane. Especially at this time of the year. Everybody panics and stresses and tries desperately to do all of their homework on time, but sometimes it's just too much.
So, we don't sleep a lot. We don't eat very good breakfasts. But that's life and society will just have to deal with it.

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