Sunday, March 19, 2017

All We See Is Sky For Forever

I have already expressed how indescribably breathtaking Dear Evan Hansen is. I feel as though I am unable to express how inspirational and phenomenal this musical is. So, if I could choose three famous people to meet in person, they would be the following:
*Note: Each name is a link to the person's picture.*

1. Ben Platt
Ben Platt is an amazing actor with a wonderful voice and he plays a very interesting character that I would love to meet.

2. Laura Dreyfuss
Laura Dreyfuss has a beautiful voice and she seems really funny. She's the kind of celebrity that everyone just wants to be friends with!

3. Either Justin Paul or Benj Pasek
I would like to meet both of these amazing people, but I only get three, so I would just get one of them. Pasek and Paul are the songwriters for Dear Evan Hansen. I would love to find out how they came up with such amazing songs.

If I got to spend an afternoon with these people, we (Well, me. They would be performing.)  would see Dear Evan Hansen, then we would tour backstage and we would see the show again, except this time, I would perform with them. :)

Image result for all we see is sky for forever

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Nerdy Field Trips Are The Best Kind!

I know this is kind of nerdy, but one of my favorite field trips was the junior model un trip. A few weeks (or a few days :) ) before the event, each person gets a country and an issue. They have to research what their country's ideologies are for that specific issue and write a position paper. It seems boring, but I think it's pretty fun.

At the event, we collaborate with students from different schools and concur to create international solutions to our issues.

You may be wondering what part of this I get most excited for. Maybe you're not wondering this. If you aren't, you might be pretty irate when I say, "Too bad, I'm telling you anyway!" :)

My favorite part is meeting new people who you get to share your information and research with, and becoming friends with people you had only met because their country had similar ideas to yours. However, the part I get most excited about is my binder.

We get a black, half inch binder to keep our papers in for this project, and in case you don't know this already, I have a bit of a school supply obsession. I start studying for school supply shopping (which I do in August) in March or April. I watch YouTube videos, research on websites, and create spreadsheets to prepare for my favorite day of the year. I know, I know. I'm crazy.

Anyway, I always decorate and organize my binder extensively and I alway get so excited about it.

I apologize again for the lack of actual pictures. I think it might be the computer I'm using. I'll try to change the pictures later if I can.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My Favorite Movie

 A funny classic from 1998, "Parent Trap" is a movie that will both make you laugh and warm your heart. This film is an updated version of the original "Parent Trap" from 1961 and stars an eleven year old Lindsay Lohan.
(Warning: This movie review will be very vague because I don't want to give anything away.)
"Parent Trap" is about two girls, Annie from London and Hallie from California, who make a surprising discovery when they meet at summer camp in New England that will change their lives forever. The movie documents their journey as they work together to sabotage he life of an "evil almost stepmother" in order to complete their mission together. 
I really liked this movie. One of the reasons I liked it was because of the rollercoaster of emotion the viewers experience while watching it. I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt during the scene where Hallie and Annie repeatedly prank Meredith during the camping trip. I could feel the love when Hallie's dad and Annie's mom were looking at the wine collection together. I could feel the tension whenever Annie and Hallie talked to Meredith.
This is a great movie and I highly recommend it to anyone with feelings :)