Monday, October 17, 2016

Blues Clues!!! (A Childhood Favorite)

lvnickelodeon3n-20-web.jpg (307×394) When I found out I had to write a blog post about my favorite childhood  TV show, I thought of Blues Clues without hesitation. I had a small obsession with this show from when I was about three or four, to kindergarten (when I had a new obsession: Hannah Montana). I had a blues clues backpack, a few blues clues stuffed animals, and a few blues clues  51G24qAYjFL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (260×258)  books. The picture on the left was my absolute favorite book. It was about Blue's thanksgiving feast, and I had to "help Blue set the table". I asked my parents to read it to me so much, that it got to the point where they had to hide it from me! One time, my sister was sick with strep throat. I remember going to Walgreen's with my dad and getting her a stuffed animal of Magenta, another character. I think I only got it for her because I wanted it myself. :) Magenta was always my favorite because she was pink, and she celebrated Hanukkah. :) Magenta had glasses, and she sang a song about it called, "Now that I've got glasses". It was my favorite song. Here's a link to it. I'm very surprised by how much I remember about this. 

By the way, everything started going downhill when Steve went to college and Joe took his place. :)1444320882-blues-clues-thumbs-up-gif.gif (500×380)latest (170×184)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Miss Abby (Where I see myself in 10 years)

teacher-apple-clip-art-cliparts-co-SqNj3V-clipart.jpg (512×484)  I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I have always wanted to be a teacher. I started playing school with my pretend class in kindergarten, and now I plan out how I am going to do certain things based on what I experience at my school. I think about what I love, and what I know I would change if I could. Now, going back to when I was younger, the names of my pretend students were quite interesting. Some of them were just the names of people that I knew, and some were just a lot of gibberish. Some examples of the very odd ones are Sepilacka (pronounced sheep-oo-lock-uh), Zooz (pronounced like the plural of zoo), and Zoz (like the wizard of Oz with a Z). I won't give examples of the names that I got from people in my class at the time, because I don't want to be creepy. :)
       I'm not exactly sure how I will do this yet, but I really want to somehow incorporate dance and music into my career. These have become more than just a hobby for me. They have become a passion, and I can't imagine just stopping after high school. As I said, I'm not sure how I'm going to keep these going after high school, but I intend to. (And no, I do not want to combine teaching and singing and become a music teacher. I want to teach third or fifth grade.)
      And last but not least; this is a little bit sooner than 10 years, but I am looking forward to the end of the year this year. I am hoping to receive the National Choral Award at the eighth grade awards assembly this year. I have been in chorus since I was third grade, and show chorus since fifth. I love to sing, and I'm hoping that when the chorus votes on who will get the award, I will win.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

My Blog Buddy!

I have my blog buddy now! I am very excited, because I got a really awesome person. Her name is Jessica R. Here's a link to her blog! Go read it and comment! You will be in awe of her excellence! :)