This is how I felt at camp this past summer, as I tried out this beautiful instrument for the first time. I had heard about people I knew trying it the year before, but I hadn't had the courage to try out this instrument until then. I loved playing the uke. I don't like calling it that though. I don't know why.

I have had my ukulele for four days already and I can't stop playing it. I have been practicing for around an hour each day I have had it and I just can't get enough.
There are two reasons that I think may explain why I love playing my tiny guitar so much.
The first is the reason I had kept in mind all along: playing an instrument is fun and it lets me finally escape from singing a cappella. (Though I do love a cappella)
But another amazing benefit is something I hadn't realized going into it.
I am not taking ukulele lessons. I'm teaching myself. It's very surprising how easy it is. I just print out the chords to a song, and look up how to play the chords on my chord chart. Then I know four chords, which can potentially lead me to hundreds of songs. I can only imagine how much I will know when I learn more chords. It is a very rewarding experience to be able to teach yourself a certain skill and figure it out all by yourself.
I love my ukulele and I'm very excited to learn as much as I can!