I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I have always wanted to be a teacher. I started playing school with my pretend class in kindergarten, and now I plan out how I am going to do certain things based on what I experience at my school. I think about what I love, and what I know I would change if I could. Now, going back to when I was younger, the names of my pretend students were quite interesting. Some of them were just the names of people that I knew, and some were just a lot of gibberish. Some examples of the very odd ones are Sepilacka (pronounced sheep-oo-lock-uh), Zooz (pronounced like the plural of zoo), and Zoz (like the wizard of Oz with a Z). I won't give examples of the names that I got from people in my class at the time, because I don't want to be creepy. :)
I'm not exactly sure how I will do this yet, but I really want to somehow incorporate dance and music into my career. These have become more than just a hobby for me. They have become a passion, and I can't imagine just stopping after high school. As I said, I'm not sure how I'm going to keep these going after high school, but I intend to. (And no, I do not want to combine teaching and singing and become a music teacher. I want to teach third or fifth grade.)
And last but not least; this is a little bit sooner than 10 years, but I am looking forward to the end of the year this year. I am hoping to receive the National Choral Award at the eighth grade awards assembly this year. I have been in chorus since I was third grade, and show chorus since fifth. I love to sing, and I'm hoping that when the chorus votes on who will get the award, I will win.