Thursday, November 10, 2016

Coca Cola + Wisconsin Dells = A Really Funny Blog Post

Coca-Cola.jpg (400×400)  Hmmm. Where should I start? Well, I'll start by giving a shout out to my blog buddy Jessica for the awesome post about blogging tips. I tried to make my title more interesting this time. Also, before I begin I would like to apologize for the delay on my posts for my Wow! Really? page. It has said "Coming Soon" for a couple of months now....whoops. I'll get to it as soon as I can. Make sure you keep commenting on it!

Okay, okay, I'll start now. It was January 1, 2016 and I was in the Wisconsin Dells with my friend Eden, her sister Kayla, her parents, and my family.
wilderness-territory-1377386273.jpg (300×225)
Some important back round:

  1.   When I was little, my parents wouldn't let me have pop because they wanted me to hate it when I finally did try it. (They didn't want me to like it because it is super unhealthy.)
  2.   It worked.
      Kayla was drinking coke, which I hadn't had before because of my deep hatred of carbonation. (It feels like my tongue is being poked with a million needles!) I mentioned that I hadn't had it before, so she asked me if I wanted some. I said, "Sure."
     Well, I sipped the drink while standing on the floor of the water park. (Don't worry. I wasn't in the pool.) I was so disgusted by it that I didn't even think about my location or common sense or any of that. All I knew was that this brown, fizzy drink was causing great pain to my tongue. So, I followed my instinct. Well, no. I didn't follow it. My instincts took over me, and without thinking, I spit the liquid pain onto the wet floor next to the concession stand. 
     I don't exactly remember how we cleaned it up, but both of our families laughed hysterically, and I have been offered many cans of cokes since then as a joke. 


  1. Liquid pain.. I agree. XD

  2. Thanks for the shout out, and I love your blogs!

  3. Thanks! I love yours too!
